31 Oct FD Asks: Mickey Dickson Marzucco
We need not forget that we are designing for the clients and that this is their home and their art.
Do you approach design jobs that involve an art collection differently from others?
Not really. We discuss the sentiment of the art and where the clients envision seeing it in their home if they have a space set in mind. Otherwise, we will give suggestions as to where we feel it would fit best.
What about new houses? Have you helped clients create an art collection from scratch?
Yes. That approach is different with each client. We discuss the style and medium wanted and then search for pieces to show the client. In some instances, we may already have artists in mind.
What are the main priorities to observe when you’re dealing with a significant art collection?
The importance of each piece to the client and making sure we have adequate wall or floor space to showcase the pieces as they should be showcased. And lighting, which may need to be adjusted to highlight the piece.
What do you do when the art is less than you expected?
The art doesn’t have to be my liking. We need not forget that we are designing for the clients and that this is their home and their art, so we respect that and place the art in a place where they can enjoy it.
Have you ever coaxed a client to not incorporate a particular artwork?
I would not say coaxed, but I’ve strongly suggested alternatives.
What about your personal preferences when it comes to art? What do you respond to?
I like a variety of styles that you can mix. It’s very subjective.
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